Monday, August 25, 2014

Opening my Eyes

I was looking over some thoughts I wrote down for another blog that I used to write.  It wasn't that long ago that I stopped doing that blog and started this one.  Besides making my heart ache over that subject matter, it also gave me a smile.....for people who used to follow that blog will know what I am trying to say....


I admit I am guilty of the above.........I am learning to see more with open eyes and to listen as well.

It's not very often that I can sit in a passenger seat and look around while someone else is driving.  I'm usually the one behind the wheel.  My job occasionally takes me out of state or out of town.  Living where I do, here in Utah, it offers a vast array of different landscapes.  From mountains full of trees and pines, to rock formations that resemble castles, to red rocks and desert scenery.

Starting my day at 5 am is not my cup of tea....I'd rather be looking at the backside of my eyelids at that time.  Early mornings are not me when I am in the city.  At the lake on the other hand, predawn is my best friend.  

Normally scenery is whizzing by me when I am driving.  I see what's ahead of me....give the wheel to someone else, and my eyes are all over the place.  A road trip for work is fun when someone else drives  and I can look at what I usually miss.  

Heading up Spanish Fork Canyon you are greeted by a field of
windmills.  It's the beginning of an adventure.  A scary one at times since
this is one of the deadliest canyons in the nation. 

Price, Utah...mining country and the beginning of Castle
country.  Rock formations begin here that resemble
castle fortresses.  Dinosaurs once roamed these
rocky formations.  

When you see the windmills you know your trip down
the canyon is almost finished.  You can breath a sigh of
relief.  What started out as a beautiful cloudless sky of blue,
ends with skies gray and angry.  

The wall of the storm we are heading into.  A trip that
 takes 2 hours to drive, took 3 hours thanks to
the sky opening up and releasing copious amounts of water
all over..........

The older I get, the more I realize that taking anything for granted is out of the question.  I'm seeing now that it, meaning anything, is a gift to me that I should cherish and hold on to.  Sometimes I do.  Sometimes I don't.  I don't live in a perfect world thus I cannot be perfect either.  Starting this day with clear beautiful blue skies and ending it with an angry one,  is an example that each day I am given to breath once again may not be as perfect as it was when I woke up.  I will continue to get up after I am knocked to the ground.  I will continue to put one foot in front of the other after tripping over an obstacle.  I will continue on a daily journey with eyes open, my ears ready to listen, and my arms ready to hug the moments given to me...................

Twitter @CotySimon

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