Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Through my Eyes....

A year ago I started this blog.  It replaced a blog that brought me great joy and happiness.  It was time to move on.  I miss writing on that old blog, but it was time to move away from it.

My hope was and still is, to capture life through my eyes.  I am the heart and soul of a human being.  I am an inner child.  Time flies when you are having fun.  This past year has brought happiness, tears, laughter, and tragedy to me and to people I know and love, and also to people I have never met but feel as if they have been in my life since day one.

The older I get, the more my eyes become wide open.  I no longer take anything for granted.  Life is a gift. I'm trying to use it wisely.  That doesn't always happen.  it does give me room for improvement.  I still find myself with a "I don't care" attitude.  That is a work in progress and I am making great strides in making that better.  It's not that I don't care, because I do.   I find myself in situations  where decisions need to be made and I don't want to make them.  Thus the "I don't care" attitude.  Procrastination is the appropriate word I have to deal with in my human host.  Being an inner child, I can use myself as the excuse.  But the human who houses me, she has no one to blame but herself............

I am having fun. I am having fun taking pictures.  I am having fun as I look through the lens and see things so differently now than I did in my youth.  I am getting older, but I am not getting any wiser.  I fear that getting wiser will make me fearful and not take chances.  i don't want to get so comfortable that I won't leave and try something new and exciting.  I want to take the bull by the horns, but I also don't want to get hurt either...........

Flowers make me happy.  Flowers make me smile.  They show beauty in
a world that is sometimes ugly and gray.  Their colorful petals
spread joy and hope......I take pictures of flowers so I can
look at the bright side of life whenever I feel sad
and gloomy.  I'm not perfect.  I do get sad!!!

Sharing my camera captures on this blog, I'm hoping it lets people see that life isn't all serious.  It can be fun, uplifting, and a pleasure to enjoy.  Many people cannot get out and see the back roads, or take that next exit off a highway and venture down a road less traveled.  Maybe, just maybe, I can help them live a little through my eyes.........

This place puts a smile smack dab on the kisser.....My heaven, my
sanctuary.  A place I will never tire of,.  I leave this place with a sad heart, but
I always come back .  it never fails to put happiness in
my heart, and smile a mile wide on my face.  This is my pot at the
end of a beautiful rainbow...........  

Next to flowers, sunsets give me great eye candy to look at.   The sky really looked
like this.  Walking out of a building to flaming orange was breath taking.
This was one of those "one in a million" looking skies resembling
a world about to ignite into a ball of flames.  

As much as I love Summer,  Fall  is a favorite of mine.  I have a
love/hate feeling for it.  Love the colors it throws out.
I also know that a blanket of white will soon
cover the ground, the leaves that were once full of
rainbow colors, will be brown, dead, and blowing
in the wind.  

Driving to West Yellowstone, rounding a bend in the highway this
rainbow appeared.  I've never seen anything stretch so
beautifully like this rainbow from one side to another.    

I have found in my older, but not so wise life, my pot of gold.  Its not monetary....it's what makes me happy.  It's what makes me smile...........

I thank you for reading, sharing, and rolling down the highway with me.  I take pictures of flowers to share with those that don't have flowers in their life.  I take pictures of sunsets for people to see who may never look up.  I take pictures of my happy place to show people that you can find happiness anywhere.

Twitter @CotySimon

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