Monday, October 7, 2013

Helping Eyes......

Thanks to the government melting down and closing every beautiful federal funded park in the country, I am pretty upset, and ashamed, too, because I helped vote these morons in to their appropriate seats and parties........We live in a great country, but at times,  it feels like it's run by card playing men who get up in the morning and say, "well, boys, what's your game today?   Seven card stud,  5 card draw, Ace's high poker?  Or....should we play a round of Go-Fish?  Or, maybe 52 card pickup"?  Our government needs a good spanking, stoning, and some tar and feathers......

I'm having a meltdown, 6 days time, I am leaving for beautiful Yellowstone. I was hoping to see Yogi and Boo Boo, but it doesn't look as if I will get that chance to venture inside the park and see the magnificent scenery this park has.  I've been to Yellowstone before, so I know what's there, what to see and what to do.  I've had this trip planned now for about 4 months.  I'm not going to let our government make me cancel this trip.  I won't be able to see the park, but there is plenty of other splendid scenery to take pictures of up there.  I will be disappointed in not being able to see the park, but maybe if I hold my breath for longer than 30 seconds, wish upon a star, cross my heart and my fingers, maybe the government will stop scratching their asses and picking their noses and come to some kind of agreement before this whole wonderful country we live in cracks under pressure.  I'm not a happy person right now.  Makes me angry and sad all at once.  I shouldn't be having these emotions.  I should be excited and happy to be able to take my oldest boy up there who has never been to Yellowstone, and see this magnificent area.  Show him the geysers that shoot high in the sky.  Show him the mud pots that bubble up from the ground.  Show him the hot pots that stink to high heavens of sulphur, but are so gorgeous with all the colors of the rainbow......Nope, thanks to this government of ours, he just might miss it.  There is always a chance it could change and if it does, I will be happy........

I have a huge favor to ask of everyone and anyone who reads this blog.......If you've been to West Yellowstone, Montana, what....besides Yellowstone, would you recommend people to see?   The boys and my human host are doing some research, too, on the local attractions, but who better can tell us what to do, where to go, than people who have been there, done that.........I'm reaching out to you all to help us out.............give me some ideas...send me suggestions either via twitter @CotySimon or via email at no spam, no nice......

I have people all over this world who read my blog and love to see what the Americas has to offer.  I've found out that there are many places in our world that people don't have 4 seasons like I do.  I have spring, summer, fall, and winter.  We are in the midst of fall right now and the colors we experience, a lot of people don't.  They see the same trees, or bushes, the same colors all year round.  Not a bad view mind you, but there is something to be said about enjoying 4 seasons........This is why I am asking you all to lend me your eyes and show me through them what you've seen and what we need to see in West Yellowstone.  We will be in west Montana, close to Bozeman, so if there is something special we need to see, please share with me.

 I did make to the the foothills today.  I like that I don't have to go too far to see natures colorful beauty.

Next week will be an adventure.  An adventure of what I can see with my eyes to share with yours.

twitter @CotySimon
Instagram - Howunique310

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