Tuesday, November 25, 2014


I have a lot of time on my hands, a lot of time to think and ponder.  Having too much time has made me realize that all I can do is take it one day at a time.  I'd like to say "take it one step at a time" but I cannot  even do that......yet!!!  Hahaha............Am I thinking with so much time on my hands that I should feel sorry for myself?  Nope....NOT.AT.ALL............It is after all, November, the month of giving thanks.

..........when did it all of a sudden become fashionable to give up shaving ones face and grow a mustache and/or beard and have it be a good thing?  I know some women could out shadow a guy with the mustaches they can grow, but I'm afraid that wouldn't be socially acceptable.  Could we as women go a month without shaving our underarms and legs and have our men think it's okay? By the time the month ended, we'd be braiding, curling, mousing them into all sorts of shapes and styles.  Some men, and most women, do not look good with a mustache and/or beard.  Though on the other hand, some need the beard and mustache to look good......it's not a win win situation........I can't imagine if this month all men quit shaving their backs, arms, legs, chests.........that is not a pretty picture to plant in my gray matter!  I personally like facial hair.  The hubs has a "tache"...I have never seen his upper lip be naked of facial hair......ever!!!....... The plumbing business must rake in the dollars come December 1 from clogged pipes full of hair........Yuk!

I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving.....turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, vegetables, rolls......all the butter laden, fat producing food that my hips love.  It is one day of the year that I am thankful for such good grub it puts me in a food induced coma while sitting at the table, waking up briefly to slather whipping cream all over a piece of scrumptious pumpkin pie.

This will be the first Thanksgiving in years that I will not be preparing the feast for the family........It really sucks when you cannot lift one foot in front of the other and move about.  I am thankful for the ability of walking again soon.  In the meantime someone else will be filling their house up with the wonderful aroma of turkey cooking in the oven....We will have a dinner delivered and prepared by caring and loving hands.

I have a lot to be thankful for each and every day.  My family who I adore and would be lost without them.  Friends, neighbors who have rallied around our house to make sure we have meals on our table while I am recouping.  Being thankful and very grateful for a husband who has to wait on me.  My boys who make me smile.  I am so proud of the fine men they have become..............and to a special lady on social media who has become one of my best friends.  She makes me laugh, giggle, and smile.  Without her my days would be dull and boring.

I have two eyes that sit in my head that love to look around and see what's out there in this big world of ours.   A heart full of love and a smile a mile wide.  Anything further south is drooping and falling apart.  If I can wake up each morning, that is a beautiful thing and the beginning of a good day................
When I look up, this is what I find.........
A thumb print and seal of approval 

Cotton Balls maybe??

There is nothing better than seeing the sun peek
over the mountain tops at my favorite  place on earth....

I'm looking forward to the day I can pick up  my camera and snap away.  Soon........very soon.........


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Yesterday Today.........

Today is another day and for most people, another dollar to be made.   I always tell myself that yesterday is gone, it's a done deal, don't worry about it or worry about what happened or didn't happen.  Today is here.....enjoy it, relish it, embrace it, and tomorrow.....well it's too far away in the future to even think about what the tomorrows will bring.

I am a day late and a dollar short......yesterday was Tuesday, November 11, 2014.  Another day for some.  Not so for others.  Here in the Americas we celebrate a day to honor those who have served our country and who are still serving our country, protecting our country, fighting for our country.  We raise the American flag to fly in all her glory.  The stars and stripes, the red, white and blue.

It's no joke when I say that my human being loves to take pictures.  She's not a professional photographer by any means.  Just a simple, fun lovin', mischief makin' human (the latter being with my help, her inner child).......

Cruising through another social media site, I came across a picture of an American flag.  What is it that this piece of cloth brings tears to my eyes when I see it flying?  I do have a special bond with the picture.  It was a picture that I took over a year ago just prior to the anniversary of a dreadful day in September.

I was leaving work on a warm, pre-fall afternoon.  In the parking lot, waving way up high on a flag pole was a magnificent huge American flag whipping around violently from the wind that had picked up.  A storm was brewing and getting ready to unleash it's power.  I made it to my car, sat there and watched this flag twist and turn, whip and lash out into the air.  I am never without some sort of camera to take a picture or a dozen.  I snapped several shots of this flag, turned my car on, and drove home.  As I drove I couldn't help but notice the many flags that were flying.  It occurred to me that I use some of these flags that fly really high up on a flag pole as reference points to where I am going, places of business, or areas that I am headed to.  I also realized that if I didn't see these flags, I would be lost without them.

 If I didn't have the service men and women in this country protecting us, I would be lost without them, too.  I may be a day late and a dollar short in recognizing these fine people on their day, Veterans Day, which is always the second Tuesday of November, so I am doing it now.  I am doing it now because one day is not enough to honor these people.  This is a everyday honor.  My hubby served in the Army proudly during the Viet Nam war.  I thank him and every one else for a job well done and for coming home...................

Thank you Carol S. for the inspiration for this blog post.  Thank you also for using my picture.  I post the pictures for people to enjoy.  I don't do it for gratification.  I do it for others to see and enjoy.  Sharing is caring and that is what I do.......................

My country tis of thee.......sweet land of liberty..............

And, I am PROUD to be an AMERICAN............
