Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Run Free, Run Wild

I have a favorite place that I like to go and collect my senses.  Do a spring cleaning of my brain cells.  Rid out the negative thoughts and refresh the gray matter with positive thinking.  A necessity for me.....

I took a little drive to my favorite place.  I never get tired of looking at this body of water.  The water color changes constantly.  It can go from deep royal blue, to carribean turquoise, to a wicked gray with white caps.......

Like the beaches hugging the Pacific ocean, this body of water has my heart and my soul.  I am at peace here.

Nothing special at all with this picture visually.  I took this because its showing me what I didn't hear.  No cars.  No trucks.  No people talking.  No chaotic sounds.  Just the rustling of the grasses swaying in the breeze.  An occasional Meadow Lark announcing itself.  It was the sounds of peaceful, nature filled music.  The old wooden fence leaning over, it's telling me I won't fence you in.......run free, run wild.....................


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