Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Wow! What more can be said when it comes to the end of 2017 and it's the beginning off 2018.  It was a great year, a bad year, a wonderful year, a wake-up-call year, but not necessarily in that order!

Twenty seventeen will go down in my history book as a year that I did a lot, saw a lot, witnessed a lot, and had a dose of "you are not 25 anymore"..Dammit, when did I become as old as I am.....

I don't make resolutions like some people do.  Why? They get broken.  What I do is wake up and be a better person than I was the day before, laugh a little harder, cry a little less, and just embrace the life I live, one day at a time.  Sure I'd like to be skinner, have less wrinkles on my face.  But for real, I am okay with how I am.  I've earned the wrinkles on my face through worry, sun worshipping, and because I am older than dirt itself it seems on some days and they are my road map of life.   I'm fatter than I care to be, but I'm finding out with a little tweak here and there, the weight is coming off.  This was my wake up call at the end of the year...........Health issues that warrant me to lose the weight, eat better and take care of myself.  I'm learning a new lifestyle that will carry me  throughout the rest of my life......

My plans for this year are more of what I did last year....

Spend  time at my favorite lake.......... Beach, sand, water, and sunshine are natures prescription for better mental & physical health.

Watch the grandkids grow up.  Spend more time with the people I love.......

Take more photographs.....I will never have enough pictures to look at.........

Hope that the hubby retires soon....he works too hard & it's time to play!

These are simple and doable..........
