Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Dogs, or any kind of animal one has a fondness for, can offer a person much joy and feelings of happiness......They give you unconditional love.  All they ask of you is to nourish them with good food and clean water, give them fresh air, a place to roam freely and safely, and most importantly, to love them back unconditionally..........

I have such an animal in my life.......Charlie the dog.......she is the current resident that provides this human with unconditional love.  She makes me laugh.  She listens to me rattle on with radar ears that go in weird directions as if she's either trying to tune me in or........tune me out!!!  Wish I could read her mind............

A dogs life is simple and easy......sleep, eat, play, poop......repeat..........they can wander for miles upon miles....seeking new smells, seeing new terrain and people......they stop, look, listen.....wag their tails in excitement, growl when somethings not right.  They are excited to see you when you come home and sad when you have to leave them.......and all they ask of you is to come home and love them.....repeat......come home, love them....repeat.........repeat........repeat.........