Monday, November 9, 2015

I am...........

I am not a religious person.....meaning that I do not attend church on Sundays.......what I am is someone who does believe in a "higher up" and that we are in His eyes, His children......

I have been baptized in a church....a church that I no longer feel comfortable attending.  It's never been a house to worship in.  It's been a house to listen to their interpretation of being the one and only "true" church/ pucky!!!! If this religion was the one true church, then why do we have so many other religions?  Pretty sure they all speak from the same bible we do.  Pretty sure there isn't anything in there that says their church is the one and only that you should listen to, attend at, participate in................

In recent days, if you are a gay couple, married or not, and have children.....your children cannot be blessed, baptized, or confirmed until they are 18 years old.  In other words, they are not wanted in the church. The parents are not wanted in the church.........the children are being punished for their parents live in a same sex marriage or relationship......something this church frowns upon.......apparently their teachings of everyone being one of His children are false......

I could careless what these same sex marriages or relationships my eyes, they are two human beings, loving each other, and loving their children in the same fashion as straight couples....raising them to be good people, loving people..............this religion is, do it my way or it's the highway.......not a true religion to me.  If we are all His children, then they are, too..............

A firestorm has hit and I hope it continues to sweep up the mountain until someone finally figures it out...........It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out, that you need to keep your foot out of your mouth......the harder they try to explain their reasoning behind it, the more the firestorm rears it's ugly flames, and the harder it becomes to pull their foot out.........this pretty much is the icing on the cake for me.  I have lost what little respect that I had for being a Mormon......yes, I am a Mormon, a person of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.........

I don't need to "belong" to a religious denomination.......its what I have in my heart and my soul that matters.......I cannot quote passages out of the bible, but I don't need long as I have faith in my heart that there is good in mankind, that love is all around me, I can tackle the rough days, the mean people..................

There are good "Mormon" people out there, there are good Catholics, Baptists, etc.........everyone has good in them.........we are entitled to our opinions and expressions..........if I have offended anyone because of my religious beliefs........sorry you feel that way, but I'm not sorry I feel this way..............

Being a mother of 3 boys, and in a marriage with someone who is not of the same faith, we left it up to our children to decide which religion if any they wanted to be associated with.........two of our three boys belong to the Mormon faith.......they chose that decision.  We did not.  Deep down inside me, the writing was become a Mormon or you don't play with me........What we did was support their decision.  They were baptized not at the age of 8, but several years later......they made their own decision.........we also supported a child who chose to be his own.....not be associated with any religion.  Is that what good parents do?  Support their children in their lives, in their endeavors?  I think so....we didn't tie them up and demand they become part of something we were not sure of.......they each have their own thought process, their own feelings, and their own opinions.........

My feeling and strong opinion is the children are going to suffer.  They will be outcasts in the neighborhoods because they are not "Mormon"........they will be bullied, not allowed to play with other children because of their "living" arrangement.  They will be left out............the writing is so blatantly on the wall it's hard for me to imagine their lives growing up.........

Wake up people.......the "church" is not going to make it all better.......they can't........but they can "welcome" people of all walks of life into the folds of the church and except them for who they, breathing, human beings..............put aside the judgements......its not for them to judge anyway........that comes at a later date, and from someone with greater influence high above............

The above is strictly my view on what I have heard and read over the past week.  Instead of letting it brew and build up inside, I chose to write it all out, purge myself..................

It doesn't make me any less of a human being.........I'm still the same person I was a second ago....I am me..............

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