Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Almost gone.........

Another summer has come and is almost gone, making way for fall.  I wonder on a daily basis where it went.  I blinked my eyes once too many times and summer vanished right before my closed eyes.....dammit.........

The light is getting dimmer each day.  It's not as bright and vibrant it was a month ago.  It's the beginning of dull, drab, and cold.  First we get a glorious bounty of vivid colors of reds, orange, yellows and tropical green color........I love fall.  I hope we have an Indian Summer to help ease our way into the folds of winter.  Warm sunny days, cool crisp air that brings out the bulky sweaters and hats...........

I will miss my days at the lake and I will long for the dread of winter to be over with so I can venture back to it.  I will miss the days of running around with no shoes, just sandals, or naked barefeet.....I will miss shorts, sleeveless shirts, the smell of sun screen.  I will miss the blooming flowers that are nourishing the bees that continually fly about the fragrant blossoms. I will miss my dog outside, on the back lawn, laying in the sun panting, tongue hanging out, cooling herself off.  She's not the brightest pup in the neighborhood.  I do have to tell her that shade is her best friend......It seems by the time summer is over with and the bulk of the hell fire of 100+ degree days, she's figured out that shade is okay after all.......and the cool grass on her belly is quite nice..........

I won't have to miss BBQ in the backyard.  I BBQ all winter long.  There's something about the taste of  grilled food that pleases my palate.  I'd rather stand outside when it's freezing and huddling around the BBQ cooking a good, juicy steak, Brats, or spicey dogs........or chicken, or chops, or, or or.......anything I cook in the oven, I cook outside.........I think BBQ'ing is therapy for me to get through the long, cold winters that seem to drag on forever.  Why can't summer drag on forever????