Winter here in Utah hasn't taken the walk on the wild side like it has done for the people in the midwest to the east coast. It's been rather meek and mild......I know Mother Nature is going to sock it to us sooner rather than later and we will be paying for it........The only walk on the wild side I have done lately is take Charlie the dog on a stroll in the neighborhood......that's about as wild as I can get right now.........
I'm aching to get out and venture to places once again. Soon I keep telling myself, soon. Since taking off and going somewhere is not on my agenda, I've had to find my own visual entertainment.................
Walking along the streets of the neighborhood with Charlie the dog, I am seeing things pop up before my eyes that I know have been there, but I haven't really seen.....I haven't paid much attention to it. Charlie the dog has to stop every 10 feet to smell, walk around, smell some more which leaves me ample time to look up and around................
There isn't much life in the plant world at the moment. The trees and bushes are still sleeping through winter. The twisted vines of a grapes threading itself in and out of a fence tells me it's grabbing a hold and not letting go.
The valleys of an old telephone pole that has been worn and carved out by snow, rain, and wind, I still can see the beauty it has to offer. Colors of worn wood that gives a fly time to warm it's wings before he flies away........
I would love to see at least one, good showing of the white fluff falling from the long as I don't have to be in it and it's not in the middle of May....................