I'm starting a new one. This is the first one out on the playing field. I've taken a few weeks to decide what I want to write about. It will never come close to the subject matter I just ended, but I think maybe telling a story through the eyes of my human host and a couple of camera lenses, might be worth a shot in the dark........
This human who houses me, the inner child, is not a professional photographer by any means. She takes pictures. A lot of pictures. Sometimes too many pictures. All I have to say about that........is so what. I find it astonishing, just how much you miss, when you don't open your eyes and look. Really look. Look around you right now. What are you seeing? Now close your eyes for a few seconds, and then open them again. What did you miss seeing the first time that you are now just noticing? For some.....nothing, as that is what they see their life as......nothing. But if you missed something the first time around.......you are on the road to opening your eyes to a big world out there.
I take pictures with two kinds of cameras, actually three...........the first being a regular, digital camera. Not a high end. Something in the mid range that takes pretty good pics..........another one I use, is an IPhone5. It's always with me. In my pocket or close to my heart (yes, I carry important things close to my heart, inside my bra. Best pocket there is for valuables. It already houses a couple of valuables, so why not keep the phone there, too). I'm hearing the gasps now.........it hasn't been proven that cell phone batteries cause cancer, brain cancer, breast cancer..........until that time I will continue to occasionally put with the girls. The third camera I use, are the eyes in my head. It may not produce pictures that I can print off, but it does give me an insight to this wonderful and colorful world I live in.
The garden right now is full of blossoms. Pretty little flowers. I went big this year because I was too lazy to buy plants to make my own planter boxes and hanging baskets. I bought them already done up. I have to water the little darlin's twice a day. It's been very hot here. Watering twice a day is the only thing that is keeping them alive. I do try to carry a conversation with them occasionally as I am picking dead leaves or blossoms off of them. I tell them that it's hurting me just as much as it hurts them by pulling the leaves and blossoms off. I think they understand as they give me reassurance that they are still alive by showing me buds and then blossoms of joy. Sometimes when I turn around, they shed all over my porch......what are they telling me?
Since my trusty Iphone5 is always with me, while I am watering, I am looking around. Looking to see what I can capture through the lens of the camera. My eyes and the camera sometimes see totally different things. It's always a surprise to me when I go to edit my photos, what I have caught with the camera lens. Case in point....................
I think what I am trying to say, is that anyone can take pictures and have them come out looking reasonably well......
I'm headed out of town again. My job this time is taking me away. I will have on me my trusty phone that has one of the best little cameras on it. I will be taking pictures along the way. I see things that sometimes people shake their heads and think out loud "why are you taking a pictures of that"? Once they see it on screen, or printed out, then they understand. I see beauty in everything. Even a red, rusted out dump bin............................
When you are out and about, look up, look around. There is a lot of fascination out there. Moving forward with this blog, I will try capture something interesting, share it, and write about it. There maybe a funny story that goes with it. Or, it may be something that caught my eye..................